Sunday, April 18, 2021

What can we do about global climate change at home



Subject: What can we do about global climate change at home

Electricity and Water Saving

Within the scope of the My World Diary eTwinning Project, December and January activities, Şükriye Onsun Primary School 2-İ class students watched videos in an online lesson to learn about what can be done at home about saving electricity and water. They took notes in their diaries about the information they learned and drew pictures about what can be done about saving.

Şükriye Onsun Primary School 2-İ grade students prepared a brochure for the 'My World Diary' eTwinning Project December and January activities 'Saving Electricity and Water at Home' They gave the brochures to their parents in order to inform the elders around them and raise awareness about saving. They also examined the brochures and congratulated our students for their ideas on saving measures that can be taken at home.


Şükriye Onsun Primary School 2-İ grade students participated in the 'Cloth Bag Design' activity by saying 'No to Plastic Bag' within the scope of My World Diary eTwinning Project December and January activities. Cloth bags were sewed by the mother of one of our students. Our student also helped. Other students decorated their tote bags using the materials they wanted. They also made a nice recycling work by designing bags from old t-shirts.