Sunday, December 13, 2020

Subject: What can we do about global climate change at home


Subject: What can we do about global climate change at home

Kastamonu Şehit Erkan Kendirci Primary School 3-C class students participated in the activities designed for electricity and water saving within the scope of the My World Diary eTwinning Project activities between 07-11 December 2020.
Students watched animations about saving water and electricity in the online class. Students wrote down in their learning diaries what they learned about the subject. Later, the students drew pictures on electricity and water saving in their notebooks. Students made the work sent from EBA on the subject. Students discovered what they can do about electricity and water savings at home through the activities.

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Kastamonu Şehit Erkan Kendirci Primary School 3-C class students prepared a brochure about the measures they can take in their lives regarding water and electricity savings as part of the My World Diary eTwinning Project activities between 14-18 December 2020.

The students gave the brochures they prepared to their parents. Parents examined their students' brochures. They congratulated their students for their work.

Kastamonu Şehit Erkan Kendirci Primary School 3-C class students designed new shopping bags from their old t-shirts as part of the My World Diary eTwinning Project activities between 07-11 January 2021. Students went shopping in the market with the bags they designed.

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